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Your account's overdrawn dilantin side effects in elderly It’s far too premature to discuss the details of Cristina’s exit — the show is just now filming its fourth episode of the season, which will also be its 200th overall. But as it stands there are a number of issues that should be resolved before Cristina walks out of Grey Sloan Memorial one last time, arguably the most important of which is her ongoing romantic saga with hospital chief Owen (Kevin McKidd). At the end of last season, the pair seemed to come to terms with the fact that their visions for the future were vastly different. (He wants a family; she does not.) But where that leaves them for the upcoming season, even Oh isn’t entirely sure yet. “They were really able to see each other as different people who want different things and [they approached] that difficulty with a tremendous amount of love and compassion for the other person,” she says. “They don’t want to be in the same place they have been. Where they are going, I just don’t know. It sort of breaks my heart to not be in the arms of Kevin McKidd now. But who knows? It’s a long season.”

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